The stone pier Press Food & Environment prize 2019
We're looking for good books about good food. Books that inspire support for climate-friendly, agriculturally sustainable, and good-for-us eating. We tilt toward stories that feature solutions and problem-solvers. Our focus is on helping people make sounder choices around the way we grow, eat, and dispose of food.
We’re soliciting manuscripts and book proposals (with sample chapters). The winning manuscript, or proposal, will receive $500 and consideration for publication with Stone Pier Press. Runners up will be short-listed for publishing consideration.
We will accept books in the following categories: memoirs, guidebooks, biographies, children’s books, young adult fiction, and narrative nonfiction.
Books that we have published, or are in development, include Sprig the Rescue Pig, Gwen the Rescue Hen, Growing Perennial Foods: A field guide to raising resilient herbs, fruits & vegetables, and Growing Good Food: A citizen's guide to backyard carbon farming, a memoir written by a regenerative farmer, and a graphic novel on global warming for middle schoolers, among others.
(For what it’s worth, books we’d love to have published, and who wouldn't, include Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, The Whole Earth Catalogue, by Stewart Brand, and Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White, because why not.)
Entries should include either: 1) a book proposal and well developed sample chapter, or; 2) a full-length manuscript. We accept only electronic submissions. Thank you!